Day 36 - New week, new game, continued positive attitude!

OK - so my first DietBet game (Lisa L's) is done, finished, under my belt...I was a winner, winner, chicken dinner in that one.  It gave me great pride to know that I had started something, pushed myself, worked my ass off & lost some weight BUT most importantly feeling better than I ever have...

SO - I joined another game (Get Lean by Halloween) right away to keep me on track & keep the positivity train rolling...since starting this one, the train has stopped dead in its tracks...haven't lost a single pound. Haven't gained either... I continue as I have but now week two, I'm starting to find my mind doubting myself...going into that old familiar dark place that has kept me down for years...

I have had a rough week or so emotionally as well.  I had a family member pass away to since starting this life transformation 32 days ago, this has been the first real issue & test, I suppose that has affected my emotional is hard to deal with, if you have always used food as a blanket...I have been strong.  I have NOT given in (HUGE pat on the back), but the emotional part has been talking to the mental part & it’s getting my positivity down...I am dealing with it, but man it SUCKS...why can't we all just live without hurt...

SO, part 2 - I joined another game (Jillian Michaels Kickstarter) this morning...figuring I will up the anty & really get my ass in gear...I figure, if anyone can kick my arse it's Jillian Michael's, right?  Come on Jillian, I'm betting on you...I've placed my bet to join, but I'm doubling down on you...

Here's to a new week, a new game & a continued positive outlook...I will regain my temporarily misplaced focus & continue to push myself...I will not beat myself up over #'s on scales, I will drill it into my head again & again:

  1. I AM worth it.
  2. I WILL do it...for ME.
  3. I am STRONG enough.
  4. I will remain POSITIVE.
  5. I will continue to MOTIVATE myself & OTHERS.
  6. I will EAT RIGHT.
  7. I will exercise daily.

Happy to have a place to let my thoughts out...hope some of you can share in my frustrations, push me & as always inspire me to be a better person.  We are all here for a reason - let the support train continue.  I don't know about you, but the sweet reward of helping others gives me the greatest satisfaction of all.  If your struggling - know you ARE NOT alone...we all have struggles...IT TAKES A VILLAGE!


LAUGH, LOVE & SMILE...the rest will take care of itself...BE KIND to YOURSELF & OTHERS!!
