Day 39 - Still feelin fine!

As another week comes & goes, I am once again left feeling AMAZING!  I continued to work hard this week...had some challenges but I didn't let them hold me back...push myself further on the treadmill than ever before & was so proud with the feeling…

Last night I was invited to a jewelry party & I was terrified to go because of the buffet of treats that would await me...I was scared that I wouldn't be strong enough to either avoid them or to limit myself...I have learned over this journey of mine that: a) You can teach an old dog new tricks & b) I am & will never be a limit myself kinda gal...SO....BIGTIME drum roll...I had nothing (ok, ok, one half of a glass of wine)...shh – don’t tell the hostess but I walked around with my full wine glass, took a few sips & then placed it down & walked away from it...I do feel bad for doing that but I didn’t want to feel obligated to have the entire glass & I didn’t want to be rude either so I just abandoned ship…lol

Now - some of you reading this may think that I am absolutely ridiculous & you may have total validity in that for so many other reasons we don't have to go into here & now...BUT I did what I had to do.  I am learning to know myself & learning that I am (unfortunately) not the one bite gal or just a wee taste...I have to remain strong & have refrain...TEMPATATION 0, Jody 1...I like the score of this

Have a wonderful weekend...if you are out & about, give it your utmost to either avoid your weakness' or if you can (and I so truly admire you) have just a bite...or nibble...or one...I better go & eat my salad...Apparently I'm getting hungry...

LAUGH, LOVE & SMILE...the rest will take care of itself...BE KIND to YOURSELF & OTHERS!!!
