Got your attention now, right?  Let's face it ladies, our periods aren't exactly a fun thing to deal with!  While we're trying to lose weight it can be a total mind f**k specifically because it's going to cause weight fluctuations as our hormones fluctuate. This can be extremely frustrating so I have some big tips to help you all with this!



And not just your period, but track your symptoms.  Note the days that you're feeling bloated, that you look puffy with water retention, that you're consitpated.  These things ARE going to affect your body weight and if you're not tracking them, you may find yourself stepping on the scale knowing that you stuck to your plan only to find that you gained "weight".  And then what happens?  Typically we say "screw it" and just eat whatever we want because our plan isn't working anyway, am I right?  When you KNOW beforehand that your weight is going to be higher that day, and you know WHY - it makes it easier to stay on track - knowing that its just retention and bloating, and it's just temporary.  Period Track is a GREAT app to track both your period and your associated symptoms!



Its so NOT fun having pants that are tight, boobs spilling out the top of your shirt.  Our cycles cause us to retain water, so let's talk about how to deal with that.  Yes - there are things like Midol that can HELP but there are other approaches that are much more gentle.  For example there are several teas that can help.  Roasted dandelion root tea is a natural and gentle diuretic, but it tastes... well... "earthy." Add in some lemon juice and apple cider vinegar and not only are you enhancing the diuretic effects, but you're also giving your digestive track a little helping hand!



I still insist the best approach for this is not to fight it, not to cave, but to find the happy medium.  Budget for it! Maybe that means your lunch will be a green salad with grilled chicken, hold the croutons, cheese and dressing - then those calories that you'd normally consume can go to a few squares of chocolate or a nice glass of wine.  It's all about balance. If you're relying on will power alone to diet successfully - it stays merely a diet and never becomes a lifestyle!  The more realistic it is to think about your "diet" being something you can do for the rest of your life, the more likely you are to KEEP the weight off after you lose it!


But - if those sugar cravings are really kicking your ass, there are some things that help with that as well. Adding a magnesium citrate supplement to your regimen not only reduces sugar cravings, but helps with recuperative sleep, and is yet another thing that keeps you regular.   I HIGHLY recommend "Natural Calm." Cinnamon also helps reduce sugar cravings by either adding it to your meals or taking it in pill form.


However the BEST thing you can do for your period is keep your water intake high all month long!  The more hydrated you are on a regular basis, the least likely you are to be affected by water retention.  Your body is an amazingly smart instrument.  When you're regularly drinking water, your body learns to assume that more water is always coming, thus it doesn't ever really feel the need to retain water.


So there you go gals - tips on how to deal with your period!