Wow!  So much food... I think my body is adjusting to ALL the whole grains and fruit from the first 2 days.  Seems strange to have no fat to help process it, but I will stay the course.  This seems like a crazy diet to me, but I can go for 28 days.  It is working wonders for my Mom.

No caffeine or alcohol is a big adjustment, but it is my choice and I can make this adjustment in detoxifying my body.  I am okay so far with only a little bit of a dull headache this am.

I always focus on eating "healthy" foods but the amount I am supposed to be eating is crazy.  Today I start 2 days of Protein and Veggies...  We'll see how this goes.  I have my chicken breast dethawing and have to go to the store for more protein.

On another note I am very happy to see a hard frost coming so I (well we) can breathe and sleep better.  My husband and I have both developed allergies this year.

Well, I am going up for my ginger and lemon water.

Happy day - stay true to yourself!