Day 73 - Thursday Thoughts...thrilling, thankful, terrific...

Today I'm paying it forward all day. 

  • I paid for coffee for the person behind me this morning - felt great!
  • I bought each of my lovely lady co-workers a flower - felt great!
  • I will make it a point to only compliment today - will feel great!

To my fellow lifestyle changing strugglers...let us embrace this journey & each other.  Lift our heads, be proud & remember that we are worth every ounce of sweat, energy, choice & sacrifice we are making.  We are all going to have down days & its on those days that we need to recognize & lift each other up & out of the funk...say a kind word, share a similar experience, make someone laugh & better yet - reassure them that they are not alone...

Great work to everyone...we are all doing it...we are all in this together...lets continue the wave of happiness & really doesn’t take much but the reward last forever.

Thank you to all for the support you have shown me...I always say, I don't have much to offer but I can always offer to help, to say a kind word, to support & to let you know that I will always be your biggest cheerleader & supporter...WHY - because seeing others happy makes me’s a rippling effect...try it, you will not be disappointed...Keep up the great work!

It’s thrilling to share everyone’s successes.  I'm thankful to have made great connections.  There are a lot of terrific people living in this DietBet Village.

LAUGH, LOVE & SMILE...the rest will take care of itself...BE KIND to YOURSELF & OTHERS!
