I am sharing to show others that they are not alone in the struggle and anything is possible...

I started my weight loss journey May '14. By the time I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Hashimotos my weight had gone up so much that I was depressed and felt like my body was not mine. I hated myself for not being able to fix what was happening, for being lost and not knowing what to do.

I went gluten free at the end of March and by the end of April I was feeling so much better and the pain levels had decreased so much so that I could walk for hours again. After making these dietary changes and when I realized I was able to walk again and without assistance and was able to do yoga amongst other low impact exercise I committed myself to getting healthy again. It was easy to allow myself to wallow in the sadness and blame my weight on my health issues since they were a large part of everything I was dealing with but when the pain was almost gone so was my excuse, my scapegoat. 

I have been working on myself for almost 4 months now. I love food and I hate food. It's a thin line. I love tasting new things and I feel like food is so personal and such a big part of another one of my loves, culture. I enjoy learning about people and families through the food they eat. I also hate food because it has always had control over me, like a drug. I use it when im bored, sad, angry, happy, sick, etc. I am learning about my food problems and feelings and I still struggle with issues I've had with it since High School. I have so much more control now and understand a lot more about myself and how strong I am and how much will power I have when needed. I have lost 50lbs and I feel so much better. 

I am, for the first time, not looking for "the end" or the "final result" but just enjoying the journey and feeling proud. This is a life change, I can control my food and I can control my exercise. I cant always control my body but I will do everything I can to make it healthier so it wont give out on me again. I know my life is changed for the better and I want to keep it going. 



"Sweat dries, blood clots, bones heal, suck it up princess!