"It was the best of times.  It was the worst of times".  That pretty much sums up 2015.  While the year brought success with work and my weight loss efforts (I reached my lowest weight in almost 20 years), it also delivered many unexpected changes and challenges. The frustrating result is that I find myself very close to the same space that I was in on New Year’s Day 2015! That said, instead of felling discouraged or defeated, I find myself much more prepared for the work ahead-thus the title Lessons Learned.

I have learned not to dwell on the past, but to keep the focus on the future. While I am disappointed that I did not maintain my weight loss throughout the year, I now have a heightened sense of the red flags and triggers that can impact my weight loss efforts. This year I will lose what I gained back and continue to move forward from there. On New Year’s Day 2017, I intend to be at my lowest weight for 2015, at a minimum.

I have learned that I need consistency and regimentation in my diet. I was most successful when I did my daily tracking and planned for special events in advance. This year I will make journaling a regular part of my day and will be more diligent about planning my foods and preparing for special occasions.

I have learned that I need personal accountability. I was most successful when I was actively participating in a DietBet game, whether it is a Transformer or Kickstarter. Having to weigh in at regular intervals kept me on track, and often provided the motivation I needed to avoid pitfalls that came my way. Likewise, having my scale synced to my DietBet provided an additional level of transparency and accountability. I do hope the Maintenance game is successfully launched, as I think this will help keep my motivation high, while not losing any ground. This year I will follow through with reporting my progress through a monthly blog. I have joined a Transformer and Kickstarter to get the ball rolling. I am confident that this will help me get back on track to meeting my goals.

I have learned that I need to move more! My job has me sitting through most of the day. I was most successful when I tracked my exercise and worked to meet my daily step goal. I am hoping that StepBet returns, as this really provided the motivation to move on a regular basis and I experienced some of my most active days when I participated. This year, I will continue to monitor my daily steps and will work to increase my average daily steps from 8000 to 12000 by the end of the year.

And finally, I have learned not to give up. I spent too many years wallowing about my weight, focusing on failures, inventing justifications for my lack of success in losing in order to give myself licensee to continue as I was and ignoring my inner desire to break out of this negative pattern. Perhaps this lesson was the most valuable and critical, because instead of feeling defeated because I didn’t make the progress I had hoped for, I am instead, motivated and ready to take on whatever lies ahead. Bring it on, 2016. I am ready for whatever you’ve got!