As I prepared for the DietBet to start today, I have done a lot of soul searching.  You know, trying to figure out how I have ended up back at this unhealthy weight after promising my self I would never be here again.  I don't want to make excuses but I also don't want to beat myself up over decisions I have made doing the best I could during difficult circumstances.  In the last two years, I have changed jobs, moved to a new house, graduated one child from college, dealt with my husbands health issues (including kidney failure and open heart surgery) and been hit by a truck while riding my bicycle.   Did I make some poor decisions, you bet.  Did I make some good decisions, you bet.  Given the circumstances, I did the best I could do at the time.  I think it is important to own the decisions that we make, acknowledge the bad, celebrate the good and move on.

Today, circumstances are different.  My husband is well, I have mostly recovered from my injuries, I have the same job and same house. So, I own this weight, all 204 pounds of it and am ready to take it on.  Chris and Heidi challenged us to make a promise to ourselves and keep it.  This is challenging for me because I frequently put others needs above my own.  So, at first the promises will be small, something I can commit to and succeed no matter what happens, no matter the circumstances. So, forgive yourself the past, you can't change it. Don't worry about the future, it's not here yet. Focus on today and the the things that you can control.  Best of luck to everyone.  I'm off to drink another glass of water.