Morning weigh-in: 166.0

Awwwww yeah. Down 2 lbs since yesterday! It makes the dull ache in my legs that woke me up this morning worth it :/ haha. Starting to feel things tightening up a bit - not everywhere, but in my love handles. This is the first place where I tend to lose. So it's nice to not only see progress on the scale, but in the mirror (where, let's be honest, it's much more important). MOST importantly, though, I'm starting to feel strong again. I know that sounds cheesy, but it's been a while.

Yesterday I did 38 min of at-home Zumba. While the Youtube videos are okay, I'm really wanting to head to a class again. I think in February I'm going to get a monthly pass, but for now I'm not spending $ on nonessentials. So at-home Zumba will do. After that, I did almost 2 hours on the elliptical. Exceeded $20k steps, which was pretty exciting! But as I said - VERY sore legs today.

As a result, I think I'm going to do a lot of stretching today, and then work on my arms/core. I'm thinking pushup/situp challenge. Every hour on the hour do a set number. I usually see how many I can do at hour 1 and then go from there. lol.

If my legs feel better after all of the stretching I might jump on the elliptical again for an hour. It's just an easy way to motivate myself. That, and I don't allow myself any TV unless I'm on it... and I'm addicted to this new show. haha.

Food yesterday was good as well. Skimmed off a lot of the fat from my leftover soup. It all comes from coconut milk (so healthy fat), but they were calories I didn't need. Then for dinner I made chicken fajitas. Opted out of the tortilla (I usually do anyway) and instead put a little on top of a bed of steamed broccoli with salsa, corn, a squirt of fresh lime juice, and just a little bit of cheese. Absolutely delicious - and filling! Dessert later was a bit of cottage cheese with some blackberry jam in it. It's my version of healthy cheesecake, and so good. 

So there we go. Making progress!