Drink more water! - that's the challenge for this week! (eat too! but drink more water!)

This is very much a do as I say not as I do thing. I have gotten out of the water habit myself and I know how good it is for you.  It helps to flush your system. It gives you more steps (to the bathroom!) but it also helps to cut hunger! http://www.livestrong.com/article/441564-difference-between-being-hungry-and-thirsty/

Also, for those of us who have lost weight and are now noticing some extra skin on our face and necks, water is a great 'face lift' tool and practically free! http://www.cosmopolitan.co.uk/beauty-hair/beauty-trends/news/a28577/3-litres-of-water-a-day-skin-benefits/

and we all know that when we start a diet, we often have that initial huge weightloss that first week and then everyone says, "oh it's just water" --- ok --- but did you know if you up your water you can get that same weight loss effect?  Sometimes you do... but not the first day or so, in my experience so take that for what it's worth. But for me, drinking more water does show as a loss on the scales.

Finally, and I don't say yes or no on this one but I have read and heard that if you add a teaspoon of vinager to a large glass of water, consistantly, you can lose more weight. http://www.prevention.com/weight-loss/how-apple-cider-vinegar-could-slim-you-down  I don't know. I do like a small amount in my water b/c it gives it a little flavor.  Anyone wanting to experiement with that one? if so try it and post what you think.  Again, not saying yes or no.  Oh but I will say that it's not just any vineger, it's apple cider vinager that makes those claims.

Now... get a big glass of water, plain or with a dash of ACV...  and ... you know what to do... drink it!