Here is the ABOUT section of group.

Please peruse the wall and blogs and check out videos and articles as you get time and ADD this group to your Favorites and visit daily or as often as time will allow.

We are a Friendly, Positive, Encouraging, Accountability Community and will help Successfully Cheer you on to your Goals! It doesn't matter how YOUNG or OLD you are, you are WELCOME. We just ask that you participate in the same manner.

Dear Beloved Fit and Fabulous Friends. Just wanted to share a word of wisdom with you. Please friends if you have medical conditions, make sure its ok with your Doctor before doing any specialized diet or physical fitness routine. The goal is to be HEALTHY!

I realize some people may have knee, back or other injuries. Some people may have low or high blood sugar, heart issues. KNOW your Body and your current limits and go from there and GRADUALLY increase.

I don't want anyone to go into TOXIC shock from sudden change of DIET or too much STRENUOUS EXCERCISE. I LOVE You guys to LIFE! Also I don't want ANYONE Starving themselves. If you are HUNGRY then EAT! Just make HEALTHY Choices if at all possible.

God's Grace is Sufficient and His Strength is made perfect in our weakness. So if we slip up, fall, cheat, splurge there is plenty GRACE for us. Just get back up and back in the game as soon as possible!