I prorbbbbbbbabbbblllly would've lost more weight but I stress ate a huge bag of chips and an entire jar of salsa last night. Why? I had to call the police on my neighbor for the 4th time. He is slipping into a psychotic/dementia state and has been making VERY specific and detailed death threats to people in our building. Well, he recently bought a cat that he can't afford to take care of and I gave him $30, an entire BJ's box of cat food, and I cooked him a meal about three days ago. 

He knocked on our door three times in less than 10 minutes, but we were in the middle of something (calculating how much Chris SHOULD'VE been paid) and Chris had JUST gotten home for an 11 hour day. Finally I hear scribbling on our door and tell my fiance I think he's writing a note on our door. Chris opens it and he asks for cigarettes (chris says no) then weed (chris says he doesn't have any) then he asked Chris for cat food and Chris sighs and goes "FINE, didn't we JUST give you some?" and my neighbor swears at him, and throws him a hate note that details how he wants to kill Chris because he's a "cheap piece of shit." 

At this point, my sweet little fiance who has never harmed a damn soul, is amped up and ready to punch the guy. He quickly gathers all the junk our neighbor keeps leaving at our door (clothes 3x the size of chris, speakers, candles, etc.) and goes to put them in front of his door as if to say "I'm done, I've done all I can for you this is it." and of course the man starts apologizing (Chris hasn't read the note at this point and I am upstairs, alone, panicking because I HONESTLY think he's going to kill Chris).

I call the police. When they arrive I immediately hear "Chelsea Greenwood called" and he starts throwing a fit. My neighbors start calling and texting me and everyone hides in the apartment right above mine. The police officer comes to my place and interviews me, AND READS THE DEATH THREATS, and says "you're freaking me out because my dad has slipped into the same pattern, but he's a good guy ya know?" and THE POLICE OFFICER DOES NOTHING.

So now I am home alone and when I went to the bank I was scared to come home, like always. I parked a few blocks away and ran to our front door (since he lives in the back) and I saw him outside in the back- he started chasing after me. A neighbor saw and put her arms around me and asked if I was alright, then he busts the front doors open pretend crying and whining going "I'm so scared wahhh, I have to call he police, wahhh" and getting closer and closer to me. I ran back to my door and couldnt' get the lock fast enough. But he pounded on my door twice, pretend cried one more time, yelled some profanity and walked away. 

I'm still scared bc my cats are sitting here, 30 minutes later, staring at my door so I know he's still standing there. I don't feel safe and I hate the police for not doing ANYTHING to protect us. I am going to leave a message on my landlord's machine today and say we're moving out if nothing is done (and we pay $300 more per month than this idiot so if my landlord has a brain he'll do something about it). 

End terrified rant.

IN OTHER NEWS we narrowed down our save-the-date selection to about 5 samples. Now to just get the engagement photos taken when my baby has a day off (which will never happen).

I also wrote in expo marker "say something nice about yourself" on my mirror. Today I heard my fiance say "at least I'm not Dale" (our neighbor) into the mirror and I said, "I am so damn sexy, look at my behind" because I just got this new killer off the shoulder dress. I need to work on my positive affirmations. Positive affirmations can only go so far whe you're afraid your neighbor is gonna kill you!