Like so many success stories start out, I'm starting out with an all-time high weight.  I saw a picture of myself, and realized I didn't know who I was!  Who was that fat chick in the picture!?  She looked familiar around the eyes, but that was it!  I didn't know her!  I decided that I was going to make a change for ME!  

I have had my own business for 20 years, and have focused my life on that business, and when I wasn't focused on that, my focus was on my 2 sons.  My oldest has left the nest, and my youngest is still in high school.  When we went to visit my oldest in CO, we hiked up a trail to some waterfalls.  I almost couldn't make it.  I had to stop more times than I can count to get to the top. My boys kept pushing and encouraging me to make it, and I did.  

On July 1, 2015, I joined a gym, and have been going faithfully.  I started out by walking on the treadmill mostly, and did some of the machines.  At first, I walked for about 20 minutes before giving up, and the machines were on the lightest weight.  Gradually, I got stronger, added more weight, and had more stamina.  I tried the eliptical after a few weeks, and could make 2 minutes before I thought I would die!  I kept at it though, and gradually increased my time.

I knew I could not push myself like I needed to, so I hired a trainer in November.  On my workout days, I was SO hungry, and didn't watch what I was eating, so I did not lose any weight.  In fact, I actually gained 9 pounds!  Then, around the first of the year, he asked me if I remembered the goals that I had set when we started, and he began pushing me.  Hard!  He knew that I was at a point where I could take it, and he was going to help me reach my goals, even if I wasn't doing my "diet" part.

I decided then that I had to make my diet change in order to reach those goals, so I started monitoring my intake on myfitnesspal, and I found, which is a low carb, 2 week plan to get the ball rolling.  I am following the plan, and am on week 2.  I have kicked my carb/sugar addiction (as long as I stay away from those toxins), and have started losing weight.  

I am dedicated to reaching my goals, so that the next time I go hiking with my sons, I can keep up with them; and when I see myself in pictures, I won't cringe, and will recognize and be proud of the person I have become.

I have a long way to go, but with Dietbet I'm hoping to have more motivation!

Good luck to us all!  We didn't get where we are overnight, and we won't get to where we're going overnight either.  One day at a time.  Be kind to ourselves, and realize we aren't perfect, but we do matter, and we deserve to take care of our body like the God-given gift that it is!