I'm a binge eater and a nerd.  I count calories and weigh myself daily.  

I've been reading a lot of health/fitness articles that say to do the exact opposite - Do NOT count calories, just eat healthy and listen to your body.  Do NOT weigh every day, it'll put too much emphasis on the scale and make you neurotic.  

I just wanted to send this message out into the world:  Do what works for you.  

We're all individuals, we all have unique needs.  Take whatever knowledge is out there and figure out it if it fits with your life.  

I need to count my calories because I have a hard time controlling how much I eat and I'll overeat even the healthy stuff.  I need to keep myself accountable by tracking data.  Weighing myself daily gives me an overall trend along with my calorie counts to show how I'm doing.  These things work for me, but they may not work for you.

Try new things to see if it works for you and be forgiving of yourself if it turns out it doesn't.  It just means it wasn't the right fit for you.  And, remember that as you grow and change, things that may not have been right before, may be a fit now.