Today is Face to Face Friday! It is crazy how when I look back at photos of myself I am blown away by the results I have gotten in a little over 2 months!

The picture on the left was taken a few weeks before I started my weight loss journey. It was date night with my man and I was very excited to be out and about. I remember looking at the picture on the left and feeling crummy about myself. Between this past summer and October I didn’t take a lot of pictures of myself. When I saw pictures I was in denial that I had gained weight and I chalked it up to having the picture taken at a bad angle. I hit a low point in my life towards the end of October when I stepped on the scale and noticed that I had gained almost twenty pounds in four months. That is when I decided that I didn’t want to live my life like this anymore. I didn’t want to be seen as the bigger girl, as the girl who couldn’t walk up a flight of stairs without being winded, or as the girl who gained the freshman 15+ in college. I wanted to feel strong, confident, and sexy. I wanted a new, positive outlook on life and I have finally been able to gain all of these things!

I am so happy that I am no longer the girl on the left! The girl on the left was scared of the path she was headed down and of how others perceived her. She did not know where to even start when it came to losing weight and didn’t have a friend that was experiencing the same thing as her. I now know where I am going, I’m becoming more confident each and every day, and I have a group of amazing and confident women who are going through the same process as me and are supporting me every step of the way! Even though I still have a long way to go I know that the hard work I am putting in now will pay off in the future!

==>>Are you interested in joining the awesome group of women who I am going through my healthy journey with? Comment below or private message me with what you are struggling with and your goals!