Today I am starting this in hopes that this keeps me motivated to take off 40 lbs.  I have many things coming up in my life this year and hope I can look and feel better for them.  1st off my first grandchild is coming in February.  I want to have the energy for him.  2nd. I am going on a cruise in March, hope to look a little better by then and be able to keep it off while I'm gone, 3rd. I am moving back home to Iowa,  hoping being around friends and family I will be more motivated and happier, 4th its my 35th class reunion in August,  would love to look good for this, last but not least it's my 30th wedding Anniversary  November  9th,  I would love to be down my 40lbs by then.  Would like to renew our wedding vows on the beach in Maui.  Gotta look good for that!!!