First round is done and dusted.  Left me IN the dust. I lost only .6 lbs. Far shy of the 8 lbs I needed to lose.   I need to regroup and get serious.  I've been slacking way too much these past couple of months.  So - it's back to basics for me.

The Eating Plan

I've written a menu plan for myself.  Lean protein, fresh fruits/vegetables and healthy fats. No eating between 8pm and 8am.  Keeping calories to around 1200. Carbs to 50.  Try to work in 21 grams of fiber.  Keep sodium under 2300g. With my usual 8+ glasses of water/day. 

The Exercise Plan

I've been slacking in my exercise also.  I was walking 10-15K/day.  Trying to maintain an average of 12K.  So - back to the routine.  Daily walking of 10K. 

One More Thought

Today I happened to remember I stopped taking a medication in early May - with my doctor's supervision.  It was my idea to stop the medication. I tapered off for 2 months - then stopped.  I've noticed irritability. (My dear hubs has noticed also!)  I hope this isn't having an effect on my weight loss.  If it did - surely my body had time to adjust since I stopped it.  I'll see how this round goes and revisit this thought at the end of the round.

So - here's the Back-to-Basics Plan:

  1. I will follow my eating plan as described above. (Tracked in MyFitnessPal.)
  2. I will stick to my exercise plan as described above.  (Tracked with FitBit.)
  3. I will get to bed at a decent hour and get 7-8 hours of good restorative sleep. (CPAP)
  4. I will also submit a weekly weigh-in during this round.  (Use my Tokens!)
  5. I will offer daily encouragement and support to my fellow players.  (Go Team!)

Let's do this.
