okay, hello, let me just tell you my progress, okay. it's really freakin' cool.

as we all know, it's now March first. This is an important month to me, because one, its my sister's birth month, so yay on that. and two, it's the month that kind of like, turns us over to the now normal days of the year. its not as cold, and it has alot of great days squeezed in there. 

anyway, so back in February, I made a goal for the end of the month to be at least two pounds lighter. which would have been 198 because I had gained back to my starting of 203 and now balanced at a disappointing 199.8. Not only was my weight gain a concern, but so was my income since I had two hundred dollars stolen from me. So I told myself I'd have three hundred in there by the end of the month too. 

Well today was my weigh in day, and I am currently at over five hundred dollars in my account right now. so I was already pretty psyched about that. I just recently got my fitbit flex, life was good. But was it the end, or was there more to be stoked over.

So I did my weigh in routine. I went upstairs to the bathroom, went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, then started the shower. As the water was getting warm, I was fishing the weight scale out. I stepped up onto it. and in glorious digital numbers, read 194.8. My heart started to race. So I stepped down, waited a minute, then stepped up onto it again to double check. I immediately put it into my fitbit, because my calorie intake will change depending on my weight with the calorie count I chose. Then put it in here. I am .1 under my weight goal, and I LOVE IT. It's a small amount, but it's definitely better than what I was aiming for. Now I plan to keep losing, and stay below that number as much as I can for this beautiful month of March. 
