so i haven't blogged in a couple days now, and i only decided not to because there wasn't much to tell you within those two days. there still realy isn't, but just to keep on my streak, i'm here. hi guys

if you noticed my grammar and lack of exuberance is missing now, it's because i'm back on my own laptop that unfortunately, only certain keys work from water damage a year ago. wow. a year ago. lol.

but when i get a new one, after a car, it'll be fixed, no worries. lol. 

anyway, in the past two days, i did gain back the weight i lost. not by much, but i went back to 195 the other day from the pizza and chinese the night before when i said i cheated pretty bad. i've been doing good since then, haven't checked to see if i lost because i skipped today, but i've been doing good since yesterday, so hopefully when i weigh in next, the number will be smaller like i planned. 

i want to go to the gym soon, but right now i'm just waiting on my fitbit. i guess walking and sleeping with it really wears the battery out. but that's okay, it charges fast too. 

today is TECHNICALLY my rest day, but, knowing me, and my weightgain, i need to go anyway. just to be extra sure. there's always rest day next week, and if i really need it, i'll use the day for a time when i severely dont wanna go, but right now, today, i want to. i'm aiming for twenty thousand steps today, so i need to go twice plus work to get there. 

i plan to do my usual routine before work, go to work, then leave from there to the gym to do light cardio to end the night and get the final five thousand, since yesterday i was able to make it to fifteen no problem by the end of the night with just gym and work.

i work some doubles next week with bussing and hosting, so i REALLY cant wait to see how THAT takes me.

my biggest goal right now, is to get to 190. i was there a brief moment before, because my initial weigh in for my second game was that. so now i really need to with the couple days extra i have. I CAN DO THIS.


happy fitness, guys, ciao