i KNEW I couldn't do it. I weighed myself lol I felt so heavy and started panicking that I'd do this and gain weight. I want to win my office challenge so badly. I had just eaten a half pound of tofu, a cup of steamed veggies, and an apple with pb. 8 oz of tofu is sooo much. I got to the gym and weighed myself feeling super full. I was .8 pounds lighter than I was this morning naked. Now I know this is water weight. I knew I would lose water weight today because my period ended 2 days ago but still. I also know that when you eat a lot of carbs it ups your glycogen stores which also ups your water weight. I did eat 130 g of carbs today too tho. I know it's too soon to tell but I don't knoooow. This may be my secret weapon in our office competition.