I'm slightly hungover and I have a head cold.  Probably not the best time to be writing an uplifting blog post meant to inspire me to do better during my next week of the DietBets.  Oh well....

My scale hasn't changed all that much this past week.  It did dip below 160, but I would imagine that my alcohol consumption and poor food choices yesterday has it up a bit today.  That's ok.  Next week will be awesome and I will be at 158 by Saturday.  That's my plan!  

I started T25 on Monday and I freaking hate it.  haha.  It's actually a great program, I just dislike working out in general as of late (all that effort...).  I have completed 4 out of 5 days of Week 1 so far.  I even did a workout on my lunch break on Thursday and I'm glad I did.  My husband's brother arrived right after work that day so I would not have gotten it done at all that evening.  I wasn't able to do my workouts yesterday due to not wanting to do them with people in my house watching me, and we had a funeral to attend that turned into visiting with family until late evening.  I'm going to get at least one of the videos done today however.  Fridays are supposed to be a double workout, but I already know that I'm going to skip the cardio hell.  I'll go for a run tomorrow instead.  (side note: I just previewed the lower body video and it looks awful....ugh...).  I wonder if I'll actually enjoy this program by the end of it.  Guess we'll see.

Week 3 Plan: Clean eating and T25.  

See you next Saturday when I weigh 158!