I'm writing this post a day early as I'll be gone for the weekend.  So I pretty much hit my goal of '158 by Saturday'.  If I brought my scale with me I'm sure that it will under by tomorrow morning, but I'm not that kind of crazy so I'm not going to do that.

This week was a very different one.  I came down with quite the cold on the weekend which progressed into some crazy allergies.  My diet was on par, but I did not even get one complete workout in.  I attempted Total Body Circuit on Tuesday and only made it through 15 minutes.  I think I might almost have these allergies under control.  I'm taking Reactin daily and using Benadryl as a breakthrough.  I just bought some topical spray and cream as well so I'm hoping the itching will subside by the end of the weekend.  I have NO idea what I am allergic too.  I have never been bothered by allergies before.  Part of me thinks it may be our dog and his new coat of fur coming in for spring, but I'm not confident about that.  Regardless of what it is, it SUCKS and is ruining my life.

I'm a little dissapointed that I didn't get through Week 2 of T25.  I'm going to continue on right where I need to be next week, however, and power through!  It never seems to fail that as soon as I start a new program I get sick.  Oh well, I'll just carry on next week!

My weigh in this morning is right where I need to be to win my second diet bet.  I'm a little nervous as there is less than a week left so I can't cheat AT ALL if I want to win this.  The weekends always scare me a little, especially when they involve socializing out of town where the food is not in my control.

I can't believe that I'm on to the last week already.  Wish me luck!!