The more I learn about the BMI, the less satisfied with it.  It only measures thickness, not fitness, or body content.  I am under no illusions about this.  I know I am not hiding an Olympian's body in here.  My muscle mass is not throwing off the scale so much.  But I also know that the BMI was a tool never deisgned to measure individuals, rather it is supposed to be used to measure populations.  And I am not satisfied that the BMI tells me as much about my health or health risks that I would want.  


However, the BMI is an easy tool to use.  So it is used.  A lot.  And everyone seems to know it is not a perfect tool.  Everyone seems to have a rider, or waiver about BMI being a tool that may or may not accurately describe your fat content, but we still all use it. (I'm looking at you, Florine!)  


So I am looking at alternatives to the BMI scale.  And some are kicking up some unexpected results.  


According to the BMI scale, I am "Obese." (Still have to shift 17 lbs to become "overweight.")

According to the Body Adiposity Index (BAI), I am "Overweight.) (I can either lose 2" around my hips, or wait to turn 40 to become a healthy weight.)

According to the Waist Circumfrence Measurement (WCM), I am "at risk." (Me and Ashley Graham, apparently.)

According to the Waist to Hip Ratio, I am "Normal Weight."  (Thanks, bum!)

According to the Waist to Height Ratio, I am "Overweight." (To become a normal weight, I can either lose 3" around my waist, or get 7" taller...hmmm...)

According to Julie, a case aid in my office, I am "a skinny bitch."  (She has always been my favourite.)

 I also periodically get my fat content measured, and that I have found very eye opening.  I had always imagined by body was mostly fat.  I certainly feel like I am mostly fat.  But in reality, I am made of a lot of stuff that isn't fat.  Yes, I do have extra fat, that I am working to shift.  But not nearly as much as I had once thought.  But that is not something I can easily calculate myself.  So a scale I can plug some measurements into on line, would help keep me on track between visits with the clinician who runs a bit of electricity through me (clinician...not electirican).  

Certainly there are some new tools for me to consider.  I am reading a lot of good things about the BAI.  Maybe that is what I should hitch my horse to for now. 


Anyone please with what they are using to measure their progress, set their goals, or determine their value as a human being?