Morning weigh-in: 154.6

Goal weight: 159 155 150

Pretty much maintained - yesterday was a bit snacky. I just felt hungry. all. day. I did get up and go on our walk in the morning, and then spent 1 hr 45 min on the elliptical to offset some of that. 1,557-ish calories in, 2,425 calories out. I made chicken chili for dinner and didn't calculate it all out in MyFitnessPal, so it's an estimate. And I'm sure I did some grazing I didn't account for. 

No worries, though - things are going to fluctuate. And I'm going to start gaining here soon with my time of the month coming up in about a week. Gotta love all that water weight... 

It was raining this morning, so we didn't do our walk. I'm planning to do some working out today, though - it's not raining anymore, so maybe a walk. Maybe more time on the elliptical. We have plenty of leftovers, so that will comprise one meal today - and then for dinner I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I have plans, but I may adjust them and eat at home, saving some room for a glass of wine when I hang out with a friend.

I've got to be good today, because tomorrow will be a challenge. I'm baking a cake for a party, where there will be unhealthy food and plenty of alcohol. I'm just going to have to practice moderation and not beat myself up. The name of the game is balance rather than deprivation. And I loooooove baking. I'm doing a raspberry-lemon layer cake. Fruit in the cake means it's healthy, right? ;) 

That's about it for today. Hope you are all having a great week! Keep working at it - you got this!!