You're plugging along with your diet and exercise plan, and BAM, you face a trigger. What are your triggers, and how do you handle the challenge of staying on plan?

My mess-up-my-diet trigger is sugar. I love chocolate chip cookies (homemade), but if I allow myself to eat one, I'm done. Three or four cookies later, I'm not only facing a twice as long workout, but the shame that I couldn't just say no.

Luckily, I've found a couple of things that help curb my sugar cravings-

1. Fresh fruit- especially mangos and berries

2. Freeze dried raspberries

3. A little piece of a really high quality dark chocolate (I really like ChocoLove)

4. Sweet Mint sugarless gum by Orbit. Literally tastes like mint chip ice cream

5. Drink a big glass of water, and go for a walk or jog

6. Scheduling the sweet- I'm allowed something within reason on Fridays. Some Fridays it's the first thing I eat, some I've been able to skip the sweet altogether

Somedays it takes every ounce of willpower not to cave to sugar cravings, but it's getting better. Seeing my body change, knowing how difficult my workouts are, and also knowing I want to keep my mew body is a big motivator.

I re-evaluate my progress and effort every week to see where I can improve my plan, or where I can lay off (I can also get intense with over-exercising.) I have a weekly chart with goals and my meals and workouts on it. I prep all my food for the week on Sundays. It all tremendously helps keep me on track.

Dec 2014 189.2 lbs 5'2" tall

May 2016 127.8 lbsĀ 

Goal- 125 lbs

Weight loss to date- 61.4 lbs