Back in October, I weighed 180ish. Still fat, but approaching a decent weight. stress. Then....weight gain. I'm a massive emotional eater and I had a few months that were the most difficult of my life.

I woke up one day a couple of months ago and weighed 237 pounds. On one hand, I'm kind of proud that I can do such serious eating. No, I'm lying. I'm mortified. I've been on a diet for 45 days and today, for my weigh in, I weighed 224.6 pounds. I'm not really worried about losing the weight. I'm good at losing. I'm worried about maintaining a decent weight once I reach one and I need to learn better coping skills. I can't eat pain and stress away. I am 47 years old and have been battling weight problems for about 25 years. I need to stop this.

My family is going on a cruise in almost exactly a year. I don't have a particular weight goal in mind, but what I want is to be able to be on the beach without being embarassed and dance and participate without feeling like the fat woman who should hide in the corner.

Wish me luck!