Moxie Morsel...took a long road trip on Sunday. I knew we were going, but didn't plan - before we knew it, time got away from us and there we were rushing out the door without thinking about "snacks" for the car ride. I had a bar with me - no, not a candy bar, a protein bar. We had stopped earlier at Walgreen's on our way there and I did pick up some sunflower seeds. I picked out the protein snack - ham, cheese, and some almonds, but did'n't "want" that. Opted for the sunflower seeds. Believe me - the damage could've been so much worst. Those Hostess powdered sugar donuts were calling my name!

On our way home...we stopped to get gas and use the bathroom. I knew there was good reason to stay out of gas stations and pack my own snacks. While inside the store - I started to search for something to snack on - reading each label - slim pickins on "not too bad for you" things and absolutely nothing "good for you" besides the water that they were selling. I joked with Chris as to how much easier it was before - just go in - grab what "sounded" delicious and enjoy. Well half enjoy - I mean - it was mindless eating so did I really even enjoy it?

Anyway - back to the dilemma - about we try some Reese's Oreos or birthday cake malt balls? Nope - I was determined - if I was going to "splurge" it'd be on something that I knew was amazing! Even at the register - I was still picking things up - and reading the labels - now these sounded good "Hershey's snack mix" - thinking "We can "share" it." Nope.

Chris left with a cappuccino and I left empty handed. Back to the car - another sip of water - another couple sunflower seeds. I'm sure I ate too many sunflower seeds - way more than 1, even 2 servings, but it was so much better than the damage that I could've done to progress I've already made so far. This is a lifestyle change and it won't happen overnight. I get that. I just wish the "bad for you stuff" didn't taste so good and wasn't so easy to find!