It's been almost 3 days since I uploaded my winning weigh-outs (joined 3 games at the same time) and waiting for the end so I can join another 3, because in between I feel lost and unmotivated... Existential chrisis in the making...

Cheated on my diet 2 days in a row and almost didn't exercise (and I had been exercicing 1 to 2 h a day every day for 16 days straight before that).

Today I finally motivated myself to move at 10 pm :)) already feel a bit better (after all that icecream I had).

So anyway, maybe it would be a good ideea if we could join new games after we weigh-out of a game, not after the final results? I fear I could totally delete like half my progress (if not all) in 3 to 5 days of waiting...

I know, I am exagerating, all white or black, no middle ground, no mindfullness... Working on it