I've always been a very competitive person--to a point. I'm very reward-driven and am great in the short term but once I feel like something is too hard or taking too long, I quit. So DietBet seemed great for me: short term, cash prizes...what's not to love? Only the fact that I've been losing the same 6-10 pounds for the past year. I'll join a game, lose just enough to win, bask in my greatness, and then gain it all back within a few months (or weeks). Then the cycle starts all over again. 

I realized today that instead of playing the game I've only been "playing" the game; meaning, I've been rigging it for my short term success. But this has led to long term failure--bad habits and general laziness.

As of right now, I'm done. I got on the scale today out of curiosity and saw a number I hadn't seen in a long time. My clothes don't fit right. I feel frumpy. My husband recently told me--with love--that I look pregnant in one of my favorite outfits (My youngest son is 16. Ouch).  I have no energy and just don't feel healthy anymore. 

So I started two DietBet games today and went for a walk. While I was walking, I made some resolutions and revelations. I turn 40 in 17 weeks exactly, on October 17. That's enough time to get down to 140, which is a healthy and sustainable weight for me. It's a short enough deadline that I won't lose interest. I'm not making any drastic changes, like going vegan or working out for three hours a day.  I'm just going to make better food choices, eat more veggies, drink more water, and move every day. I've also built in 17 "cheat days" where I can enjoy myself at a barbecue guilt-free because, come on, smoked meat is AWESOME.  (I'm actually going to make myself a little punch card for those days so I'm free to use them when I want as opposed to being locked in to only one per week.)

And I'm also making this public, because 1) I need the accountability, and 2) I hope it inspires someone else.

Blessings to all of you on your journey toward better health.  :)