It has officially started!

I am now accountable for all 1090.4 sticks of butter I must lose. I have not only made a public announcement on dietbet, facebook, and to my husband, but I have made a promise to myself. I love myself. I don't think I realized it until just this very moment that I am a giver. I give to my job, my family, my church, and anyone else who comes along and may need something, but I don't give to myself. Oh don't get me wrong, I've given to the couch and to the laptop plenty of times, but not to my MIND, BODY, AND SOUL. I have not taken care to make sure that I will be around to enjoy all the amazing and wonderful things our Lord has created.

Today is a new day! Today I take care of me. Today I pay attention to what my body needs and not that little voice telling me I've already put in too many hours today, or that I simply can just do it another time. Today I stop putting into my body's "gas tank" items that cannot possibly be used as fuel. Would I seriously do that to my new car? Of course not. Then why can I do that with the ONLY life I have? Not anymore, because I love me!