One of my favourite things about this site is the blog feature. I really love the glipmses into different people's lives, struggles, and successes-- and being able to share my own.

I think it's really motivating to see posts about other people setting and meeting goals and thoughts along the way. (It could be the opposite, but don't let it be.)

But the biggest thing for me has been a realization. A lot of people here, myself included, have had difficult life experiences. Together, we have overcome (or are in the process of overcoming) injuries, illnesses, mental health troubles, assault/abuse, loss, and other tragedies and difficulties. We've helped life come into the world, and been there when life has left the world. We've been grounding forces and life savers and open arms and hearts.

In short, the absolute strength I've seen amongst people here is astounding. We are not weak for carrying with us the weight of the consequences of our lives, but we are strong enough to let it go. All we have to do is do for ourselves what we would do for others. 

Be kind to yourselves. Keep going. You deserve it. You're amazing.