This last week was AMAZING!!! I officially hit 100 POUNDS LOST!!!!!!!!!! I weighed in on Wednesay at my Weight Watchers meeting, I was super nervous going in because I knew that my goal was to reach 100lbs lost by the end of the month and it was August 31st! I needed to lose 2.8lbs and I knew that I had just had a really good weigh in the week before, and that sometimes when I have a good week I have a little bit less of a loss the next week. But I did it!!! And I hit it right on the nose, exactly 2.8lbs for the week and exactly 100lbs overall!!! I was so excited! I cried! This has been a long journey for me and I am so excited to have met one of my mini goals! On to the next one!

This week I have a bunch of fun things planned, and I am going to try really hard to not make them about food, because that could ruin my weigh in next week if I let it! I'm going to stay as active as I can, make healthy food choices, and just enjoy life! My one year Weight Watchers fitiversary is in less than three weeks (September 21st) and I am so excited to celebrate my successes on that day, and at a party I am planning for that weekend!!! I love this journey and I'm so glad I get to celebrate!! :)