I've thought a lot about today and really debated joining the game but after 21 years of hating myself, I've decided I deserve more. I deserve more than to feel like everyone is watching and judging me because I can't always fit easily into rides at theme parks. I deserve more than to feel self-conscious about eating in front of people and being worried that they're thinking "Oh, there she goes, eating again and I can't believe how much it is this time." or "Didn't you just eat a few hours ago?" I've honestly never thought of myself as having an over eating problem, I've always been very aware of what and how much I'm eating. I eat well portioned meals and certainly tend to make much healthier food choices than a lot of my "skinny" friends but there's always a voice in the back of my head telling me that I am eating too much and that everyone is judging me for it. Maybe this stems from my battle with anorexia in high school, I haven't relapsed in quite a few years but those thoughts are always lingering. Or maybe it's something more than that, either way I deserve so much more than self-hatred. I deserve to be happy and healthy in my own body. I deserve to freely be me.

- Erin