I reached goal and intend to continue to reach the monthly goal. First time I've ever worked to attain a goal like this.  $ and the support keeps me working toward my weight loss. It was harder than I thought and I fell back into old habits like weighing myself daily. that's a no no your weight flucuates to much hour to hour. hormones, water retention and many other factors I know nothing about. Best that I stick to a Monday weigh in and continue eating low carb. It has results and I feel no hunger pangs or deprevation of foods so far. And I think if I decide to have a desert or eat some grains it won't throw my system off. Just can't make a habit of it. Need to get off to grocery shop. It's important to have your staples available. avacado, fresh cheese, half & half, eggs, poultry, shrimp, bacon, and a realm of veggies. radishes, celery, tomato, cabbage, cucumber, limes, red leaf, romaine, green leaf. Wish I didn't have the flu that's life. someone want to shop for me today ? I wish LOL