Some how those words don't give me very much comfort. However true that everyone starts somewhere is it still means that I am starting from a number I've never seen not pregnant and older then I've ever been trying to lose weight. See I kind feel as if I'm an old pro at this losing weight thing normally the best recipe calls for one cup bad break up, two tablespoons of spite and a dash of insecurity. Let simmer until done. Never found a better recipe in my 20's then that. But here is the thing somewhere between my single 20's and my married with a baby 30's something happened. I found myself, my husband and about 75 lbs. Needless to say the same recipe that worked in my 20's isn't going to work for me now and I'm completely okay with that. I've never been happier in my life. I have an amazing husband that loves me more than I could possibly understand and a beautiful little boy that I couldn't see my life without. But the truth of the matter is I can't do what I've done before and I've never started from where I stand right now. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared but I guess "everyone starts somewhere".