Yesterday was a GREAT day! I can't believe I drank an entire gallon of water! It was my first time to do so. AND I feel great because of it. I also ate VERY healthy all day! No Sugar - that's a HUGE win for me and a delicious salad for dinner. I also hit my goal of 10,000 steps even though I had to do a LOT of sitting during my work day. I felt lighter this morning and overall in a better mood. So I got on the scale to see where I'm at and even though I know it's early and probably not a good idea to weigh myself everyday because of the setbacks, I had to know if I was just FEELING lighter or really was lighter. Turns out, I lost 2.4lbs!! I'm sure it's a lot of water weight but HELL YEA!! What an amazing feeling. 


I want to capture this feeling because I know this is what I'll need to read on my rough days. I've set myself up today to have another successful day. I'm planning to drink a gallon of water again and I brought a salad to work for lunch. Today is my dad's birthday and if there's cake, I'm going to politely decline. I want this SO BAD. AND I definitely don't want this FEEL GOOD feeling to go away!


This is going to be a tough journey but this time I'm not quitting.