Week one is done. I have faithfully followed Weight Watchers and am down 4 pounds.

For the past almost 2 years I have been giving myself lots of excuses as to why I was not losing weight, then more excuses as to why I was gaining weight. My best excuse - I turned 50 in April of 2016. I didn't think it was a big deal, at least I thought that I didn't think it was a big deal, howvere, I have been on slippery slope of weight gain and laziness ever since. I stopped working out, my diet was hit and miss. I started drinking WAY too much and I have no idea why. The only trigger I have found is that I turned 50.

Well, this week has shown me that my age is not preventing me from losing weight. My diet was preventing me from losing weight. This week I actually followed the Weight Watchers plan. I tracked my food. I made healthy choices, I still had a glass of wine and most of all I was satisfied with my food.

Not so amazing... I lost weight. My baby girl and her girlfriend are getting married at the end of September and I plan on being healthier than I am today. I will continue on this healhty lifestyle and will reach my goal, if I am diligent maybe even this year!

In one week I lost 4 pounds. I feel better. My skin looks better. I have more energy. In. One. Week! Yep, I will continue to follow the Weight Watchers plan because it works for me... when I follow it :0)