I stumbled across DietBet about one month ago. Seemed like a cool idea to bet on myself. I am coming down to the wire on My first competition and will make the goal.. Or at least I am pretty sure I'll make the goal. Weigh in is tomorrow morning.

I realized that my dog Billy would be great to help motivate me to exersice. She loves going for walks so it was a great benifit to both of us.

We live in Alaska so the weather is getting chilly. In the month of the challenge we had our first snowfall. A warm front came in and melted it so its now muddy, chilly and rainy out..Sometimes there is a mist over the lake we walk around. This walk gives me excersice but also a time to relax, while Billy unwinds by looking for squirrels.

I have created My first game today. I am very interested to see how it works. I will join it myself and plan to give My entry fee and any winnings to a local dog charity.  To get some intrest I'll pickup a few pet smart cards.  

Now off to work.. Sitting in a desk for 8 hours, starting this could be a real health saver.  good luck to all in your endevors.
