I'ts all about the planning for me.. I print this baby out and make sure i write any changes i've had.. i find it keeps me most accountable leaving it on my counter. I dont mind eating the same thing a few times. 3 is my max and then i find i have to change it up. i am excited to follow through with it this week! I want my insides back to feeling normal. the holidays just killed me. I am lactose sensitive and i ate all the things i shouldn't have over the holidays.. 

I am most excited for snacks.. i dont know why, but i am a snacker! i love love love food and i only like eating things that acutally taste good and make me excited. the same boring meals are not for me. my only exception to that rule is breakfast. i usually have eggs, oatmeal, or toast with peanutbutter and honey. 

I'll let you know how well i stick to the plan this week. meal prep technically starts tomorrow beacuse I only have the things in the house for food today :) need to shop!