Welp, it happened...almost all of the weight I lost last year has come back....time to own it. 

I'm trying to stay positive about this but I am a little mad at myself.  I did really quite well until about the end of January and then I just stopped caring somehow.  Actually, I cared but I postponed action. I thought it wouldn't be all that hard to get a little weight off again.  URGH!  YES IT IS!  And then, somewhere along the way, something happened to my knee.  It has puffed up like a puffer fish and the only explanation seems to be age.  They shoot horses for this!

I have spent the last couple of days wondering if I should join a bet or not.  I can't exercise right now so it's going to be tough.  Somehow though, that is giving me some new resolve.  I know I have to do this purely by watching what I eat.  No fooling myself that I can overindulge and work it off later (ha!).  I have to pay attention starting today, well actually I started a couple of days ago. 

I'm putting it out there to the universe.  I need to do this or my lovely summer clothes won't fit.  Time to turn the train around!