Hi hi, I'm absolutely loving the focus that this dietbet is giving me.

I keep increasing the amount I do during the week, so this week I'll be doing yoga Monday to Friday (prev. doing 3-4 sessions), followed by a cardio session afterwards at the gym. The yoga warms me up so well that by the time I get to gym, I'm all stretched and ready to tackle some cardio. Baby steps as I like to say.

Regarding food, I skip breakfast every day to get some intermittent fasting in. I've been doing this on and off for a long time now. Even though it's hard, my body feels better this way than having breakfast - it actually makes me nauseous.

I gave up coffee going on 3 weeks ago - that has made me less stressed out and tense (so I'm sure that's a positive effect on my hormones such as insulin). I think the key to what we're eating is moderation. I'm working on not giving myself a hard time about eating foods like sugar or bread or carbs in general. I try avoid them and make better decisions and try not to go over board.

I don't like the societal pressures we've all been exposed to due to tv and social media. People here in South Africa apparently all want to look like the Kardashians. Like really? Why not just aim for a better, stronger, healthier, sexier version of yourself.

My body is beautiful and getting stronger day by day - there is no one else that I want to look like.

Stay strong, Stay focused.

I'm kicking ass and taking names :)

peace x