If you read my last post, you know that I have have done well losing weight. One of my early concerns as I began to shed pounds was was I going to be looking like a wrinkly old lady. (Okay, I admit, there is definitely a bit of vanity and ego involved. But I challenge any of you to say you don't think about it, especially if you are my age. I'll let you guess what that may be.)

Just about the time I started my first DietBet - a week later to be exact - I got a call from a friend in Florida that she had found the most amazing anti-aging product. A night cream that was an accidental discovery by a biotech firm researching botanical topical solutions for skin cancer and skin conditions. This product was not successful in curing skin cancer but it reduced wrinkles, emerging lines and  discoloration. It was patented and FDA approved and it had a 30 Day money back guarentee. 

So I had nothing to lose and it Was the answer to my prayer if you will. So I ordered it. Here are the untouched photo results of using NeriumAD night cream for 4.5 mnths. 

As I share DietBet with my friends who want to know what I've done to lose weight, I share Nerium when they ask me if I had "work" done. Like Mary Kay, it is a direct marketing company. If you are interested in learning more check out my web site. Here's the link www.mpdjukic.nerium.com

If you are in Canada, the link is http://mpdjukic.neriumcanada.com/

This is not only an amazing product, it's an amazing company. If you would like to make money working part time, let me know.

Just like DietBet it's changed my life for the better in am amazing and easy way.