I've heard about dietbet on YouTube while I was browsing along and I was very curious about it. I've lost some weight already but some of it seemed to come back. I, along with whoever (if anyone) is reading this, have my list of reasons to want to lose weight. I guess I ended up temporarily forgot why I want to lose weight.

I've struggled with my weight since I was maybe 10 years old. I had this ideal body (like most others) that I wanted to have but somehow could not lose the weight. I've tried Atkins, South Beach Diet, Special K Diet and independent dieting. Nothing seemed to help me. I was so upset and thought there was NO way I could lose weight and accept myself as I am because I had such low self-esteem from my weight.

I was so depressed I stopped eating for a while (I gained twice what I lost). I was in a dark place and thought I wanted to lose weight because I hated myself and would only love myself if I was "thinner" or "prettier".

Fast forward to this summer: I start weight watchers, lose some weight, gain a bit back from tons of stress, stress more and gain a little more from that stress of gaining weight and here I am.

I have found myself and realized that even though it is ideal to be at a healthy weight, I am still beautiful. I said it, I'm fat and I'm beautiful. I'm nowhere near conceited but I finally found my self-worth (it only took 20 years and finally being with my best friend romantically to see that).

I realized that I want to lose weight not because I hate myself, but because I love myself. I love me. I'm not perfect, I'm not a saint, but I'm me. I'm an average middle-class girl with her fair share of flaws and screw ups. One of my flaws happens to be that I'm (as my skinny friends call me) "cuddly" and "cute chubby". 

I wanted to quickly jot down the reasons I want to lose weight:

1. I want to feel good about myself
2. I want to look better
3. I want to surprise my friend that I'm visiting in Wales next year with my transformation
4. I want to show those who thought I couldn't that I could
5. I want to be there and healthy for my future children
6. I want to lower risks of medical problems when I'm older
7. I don't want to be obese anymore

So let's be some fantastic (weight) losers together!!!!!