May 30th, 2014, I had enough. I was tired to not looking good in pictures with my kids. I was tired of my clothes being too tight and having to constantly buy new ones. I was tired to eating icecream every day because I was stressed. I was tired of being big and trying everything on the planet to lose weight. I went into QWLC after a stressful shopping trip to buy new clothes. I've done QWLC twice before, it is the only way I can lose weight. By watching what I eat and having someone to be accountable to. 

With QWLC, plan 3, I get to eat lite string cheese or an egg for breakfast. Then I also get to eat 2 more protiens a day, 3 services of fruit, 3 services of veggies, 3 starches, and 3 QWLC a day. 80 oz of water, and 1/2 teaspoon of Morton's Lite Salt to keep the leg cramps away. I can also have 2 cans of diet soda a day (but it has to be light colored, like diet sunquist or diet spirit). No diet cokes or pepsi, or diet rootbeer. 

At the end of June, we were going on a vacation for 2 weeks, I was hesitatant to start because HELLO I'm going on vacation in 2 weeks, for 2 weeks. But they convinced me to start now or never. They even said I'd be down about 10 pounds before I left. I was down 8! I've been on plan for 5 weeks now. I've even gone away for 2 of the weekends since we've been back from vacation and I am still down 14 pounds, and about 5 or 6 inches. I need the accountability. I need someone telling me what to do to stay on track and to keep me going, this is what Quick Weight Loss Centers does for me. I figure I may deviate every now and then, but as long as I keep the big picture in mind, and keep on going, I am going in the right direction. 

I had 91 pounds to lose, I am down to 77 pounds to lose now. They said I should be able to lose 3-5 pounds a week. So as long as I stay on plan, I will be there around Thanksgiving / Christmas time. That is a super long time to me, but then again, I didn't get this big overnight, it is going to take time to get to where I want to be, to where I used to be. 

I started using Argus on my iPhone. It keeps track of my daily steps, exercise, food, heart rate, etc. 

As of today, I am confident that I will lose this weight. I want to be healthy for my kids. I think that this Diet Bet is great.

Some of my goals are:

1. To be able to take my wedding ring off to have it cleaned.

2. I would love to be a size 12 again!

3. I have a cruise planned over Thanksgiving 2015, I want to be healthy & look good for this next vacation. I would love to be do zip lining or other excurisions that I haven't been able to do in the past due to being over the weight limit. 

4. I've done a half marathon, and a marathon before. I want to now put half or a sprint triathlon on my list of things I've done!