So I thought I would share my day. This week has been incredible busy and stressful. My husband was at work, so no one to keep me accountable today. I wanted to have a veg day and eat my favorite blue bell icecream. So I went to CVS / redbox and rented 2 movies, Divergent and Heaven is for Real. Both really good by the way. Then I went inside CVS to get some blue bell. I stood there and was like ummm they don't have any flavors I LOVE, and I'm not going to ruin my diet today for something that I don't LOVE. So I went a half mile down the road to our grocery store. Walked in and same thing. I was like CVS should have been my wake up call, but ok I get it. Stay on plan today. Went home cooked a healthy lunch (which was at dinner time), then watched divergent. After divergent I got up and ran/walked 2.25 miles pushing Owen in the stroller. Which felt GREAT, way better than icecream would have made me feel! Then I watched Heaven in for Real. So I had a GREAT day, doing nothing basically, but still eat healthy and even got some exercise in. I just can't believe how far I've come since June 1st. I don't eat junk food when I'm stressed any more, I am in the habit of working out 3-4 times a week, and I am down 23 pounds! Bring on this next week! I am ready!