So, guessing from a lot of posts, the initial hype has worn off and most of us are facing the facts, i.e. loosing weight is not just a matter of cutting out the chocolate cake. If it's meant to be sustainable, it almost always requires a much bigger change in day-to-day habits. And even more than that. And this is where the going gets tough. Because habits have been there for a while and they are usually quite robust. Habits are what make us well, us. They define us more than most of us would like to admit. And they are hard to change. But they are not made out of concrete. Solid material, for sure. But they are changeable. However, not overnight and not simply by changing the "doing", we also have to look at our "thinking" behind them. And this goes even further and deeper. To places that can be quite scary. 

If I am honest with myself, I rarely really experience the feeling of physical hunger. I can go for a long time without requiring food. The vast majority of my food intake is emotionally driven. If I am in a good place emotionally, I am also in a good place physically. Healthy mind & soul really means healthy body for me. 

Whether or not I allow myself to be thankful and happy about my life is entirely up to me. Nobody else can be made responsible for my own happiness. I know this, and yet it is so hard not to give in most days, because there are very deep and very powerful patterns working inside me that tell me that food makes me feel good. But it's not about food at all. It's about needs that I am only beginning to grasp. It's about concepts I have developed about myself and carried with me for years, but that I did not even know about.

This journey has really been very interesting so far....let's see where it takes us.