I have always hated gyms. I am self-concious of people watching and truthfully I never stay commited to being healthy and doing healthy things for a long time. But I have been on this health kick for about 4 months now and it hasn't showed signs of letting up. Although I do go to a diet dance class (which really is great for just having fun dancing) it just isn't cutting it. I wanted to add something more but there were so many negative things holding me back. First, it's about to get really cold so I know that I won't want to exercise outside anymore and if I did sign up for a gym it has to be super close to my house or I will be too lazy to go. Also, it can't be too expensive because I already paid a crapload for dance class and I have a lot of things to pay for in the coming months. Lastly, it couldn't be too crowded cuz I freakout when people are watching me. 

Anyways, all that being said, I managed to find a gym that is realitively close if I ride my bike. The size is decent and when I go, there is hardly anyone there, so I don't fill intimidated. I have gone everyday now and I really enjoy it. It is just the extra bit that I need. It also has a spin class in the morning that I joined which forces me to get up early everyday. Now I enjoy my mornings before I have to head to work. Its weird but nice. So, I signed up for three months at this gym and I will see what happens after that. It seems like everything will go swimmingly.

On a side note, I am almost to my birthday goal weight. I still have a crapload to lose but I can see it is just over the horizon. I don't have much time either but I think I can make my goals happen now that I have added more exercise opportunities. Even on Saturday I started my day off at the gym. And yesterday, even though I wanted to have a seriously lazy day, I went running and then also went cycling. So, I think I am on a good roll right now. 

lol Sorry. My post is all over the place. I just wanted to put down everything I was thinking. Anyways, we shall see what happens. Thanks for reading~