Lately I have been thinking of ways that I can make money while I am home, living in a new city,trying to lose weight and study for my medical school entrance exam. I have been vasilating for over a month on wether to sign up as an Advocare distributor or not. I honestly believe that I would be a great distributor and coach for others, like myself who are trying to lose weight. 


In the beginning of my weight loss I was unsure of what to do and how to go about getting rid of weight. Then with the added pressure of having PCOS and a thyroid condition weight loss looked like it was going to be impossible for me. But with support, hard work and a healthy diet I have managed to lose 23 pounds over the last 10 months. Let me say that 23 pounds for a woman in her late 20's with 2 hormonal problems is a huge success! While I started the journey on my own and managed to begin my weight loss that was as well, Advocare really got my body into working order and gave me the enrgy to keep pushing and really begin losing weight.


I now help run a weight loss/fitness group on facebook where I am happy to help other women with ideas and encouragement in their own struggles every day. I believe that being an Advocare distributer could help me reach out to many other women, and men as well, to begin them on a healthy track to weight loss and healty lifestyles.


Would anyone here be interested in learning about Advocare products or the 24 day Challenge? Or even just want a group of like minded women to help and encourage them? The group is called SLIMpossible and can be found in the search on FB. A request to be added is all you need to send to get in. If you want info on Advocare or my weight loss struggles and journey feel free to reply here or comment on my board or find me on FB.


Happy Exercising XX