Yep, this is my one of my many attempt on losing weight. So far - not completely successful. I was losing some weight, then gaining back, and so on and so on...But I did not give up yet, I am still trying :)

I have an ideal conditions for losing weight, I live alone (I have a boyfriend, but he lives in a different city and is not messing up too much with my food), I can afford to buy good foods, gym is only 10 min away. So I just have to do it and that’s it!

My goal weight is 57.5 kg. Always when I am dreaming about being slim, I see this number on my scales. I know it is not realistic; on the other hand I am small 1.64, so this weight would be right for my body. But my current weight is 94.4 kg (my highest 1 year ago was 103 kg...), a lot of to lose. All my adult life my smallest weight was 60kg, I never manage to go under. But I can still try for it :)

To weight 57.5 kg I need to lose 36.9kg. A bit discouraging number...Therefore I will divide my weight loss into smaller goals:

  • 87kg - my first goal. For a few years I was dropping until 88kg and then back up again, to reach 87kg would be a big step, and I believe after that I could move easier forward.
  • 83kg - well I owe already this weight. A year ago I made a deal with my colleague, that I will not buy a car, until I reach this weight. Well I did not reach it and still bought a car...
  • 79kg - nothing to add, to see 7 at the start on my scale would be awesome, and then I think I could rewards myself with something really nice...
  • 74kg - halfway to number 6 :)
  • 69kg - magical number :)
  • 67kg - I am not overweight anymore according to BMI calculator, so this is the real number for which I am aiming for, I reach it, I go for a shopping spray for new closes (I still have closes from my student times, when I was weighting like this, but they are out of fashion and really not my style any more, but I still keep them just to have satisfaction to fit in again).
  • 64kg - I am equal to my height (minus 100 of course :) )
  • 59kg - nothing to add here :)
  • 57.5kg - a 16-een years dream come true :)


To have an achievable plan, I need dates, but I know from my practice, that dates do not work with me, if I am not losing weight how I planned, I stress and start binge eating and gain even more. So my plan is change lifestyle and steady move forward.

I am planning to weight myself every week and every month to take body measurement.

For the first week goal is to stop overeating, make a better food choices, white everything down, so after a week I can analyse and decide what improvements to make. Start regular exercises.


If you would like to be my weight loss buddy I would be very happy, because losing weight alone is hard and requires more will power.