I'm going on 3 months of dieting now, and I am proud to say that the weight is still coming off! It seems like I stay at the same weight for about 1-2 weeks, and then I weigh myself the next day, and I've lost 2 pounds. It's definitely been incremental. How interesting...

I was worried that it would start to get harder to lose the weight as I got lower and lower, but so far so good! I just need to keep my carb-intake lower than my protein and fat intake. I go to the gym once per week, too, but obviously the diet has been the main reason for success. It's such a great thing to feel healthier, thinner, and more energetic!

Again, I must say, if you love bread, pasta, and sugar--carbs in all forms--try this diet because you will lose weight. The reason you are overweight is because you eat too many carbs for your body-type

I still eat little amounts of dessert, occasionally have a little pasta, and all, but I have found that I no longer am craving those things every day. And I am losing weight without ever dealing with the pangs of hunger. As a cook, it's pretty rad that I have been able to hang on this long. Well, I guess that's just it. I'm not "hanging on." I'm thriving. I made a change in my lifestyle--however corny that sounds. If I want sugar, I make a dessert I can eat, with stevia and nut-based pastries. If I really want bread or pasta, I let myself have some! Just only a little once or twice per week. It's totally doable.  And because of the large amount of protein I'm eating, I am too full to eat more than just a small serving of carbs. 

I've got friends who are body-builders, and they really sacrificed their diet--they only eat boiled chicken, fish, salad, and protein shakes. What a BORING life! It may work, but it's not normal, and it's not how normal people eat. We cannot just eat the same food every single day--that just increases your chances of failure to 95% within a month. People who try to cut out normal people food are essentially trying to live without an arm or leg. SO, don't. Just re-balance your food pyramid. Put protein at the bottom, not grains. Then dairy and vegetables, then fruit, and THEN grains--last on the list. 

This is coming from a foodie who is very happy with her eating habits, and has lost 18 pounds (and counting!).